Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Farmersville, TX
The Farmersville Historical Society held their annual installation of officers at the Carlisle Civic Center on Tuesday, May 19. Winnetta Morrow, Nominating Committee Chairman, installed the following officers for the 2015-2016 year: Bertie Neu, President; Loydell Seward, Vice-president; Melissa Anderson, Recording Secretary; Glenda Hart, Corresponding Secretary; Ann Curington, Treasurer; Marty Shelton, Reporter; Pansy Hundley, Historian; Bettye Petree, Parliamentarian. After the installation of officers, the membership enjoyed a covered-dish supper.
Left to right: Winnetta Morrow; Bertie Neu, Loydell Seward, Melissa Anderson, Ann Curington, Marty Shelton, Pansy Hundley. Not pictured: Glenda Hart, Bettye Petree.