By Wyndi Veigel
News Editor
Parking may soon be prohibited along Sycamore Street as the city council approved a new ordinance on first reading.
Since the street is a thoroughfare, Mayor Joe Helmberger said, parking on it has become an issue.
Though there are few residences that have a Sycamore Street address, Councilmember Jim Foy asked that they get ample notification so they can provide input.
Councilmember Michael Hesse questioned about parking for funerals since when funerals are large or near the road it is utilized.
“There is typically a police escort and a police presence at large funerals,” Foy said.
Police Chief Mike Sullivan stated that in the event of a complaint regarding parking for a funeral an officer would simply be sent out to mitigate traffic around the cars.
The ordinance was passed unanimously on first reading with an amendment to the penalty amount in the ordinance being lowered down to $500.
Council also acted on an adjustment reducing costs from Community Waste Development.
Customers will see a reduction from $3.14 a month down to $3.03 a month starting in October.
The reduction, CWD officials said, is primarily due to lowering fuel costs.
The council also approved Halff Associates for planning services at the JW Spain Athletic Complex Project.
Though the council heard presentations from both Halff and MESA during the May 12 board meeting, due to the way the agenda item was worded, they could not discuss the item.
It was brought back so council had the option to discuss and do research on Halff.
“I think we should go with Ben’s recommendation. The subcommittee did a good job,” Helmberger said.
The city will now enter into contract negotiations for the planning project.
In other business the city council:
- approved the financial reports
- renamed an inactive city account at First National Bank of Trenton for use as a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone account
- accepted Margaret Vigil’s resignation from the Main Street Board
- reorganized the boards and commissions