Collin College Farmersille Fall

Street-wise strategy

by | May 6, 2021 | Latest

Farmersville City Manager Ben White is adamant about street repair, saying that “I would repair every street we have in this city – if I had the money.”

The city, though, is restricted by state law on how much tax revenue it can raise to pay for street repair, said White. There­fore, the city is going to pursue grant opportunities to provide revenue for street repair and maintenance “every chance we get,” according to White.

White acknowledges the so­cial media chatter about street repair among Farmersville resi­dents. “We have had chatter on this for years,” the city manager said, nodding toward those who complain that the city isn’t do­ing enough to deal with recur­ring street-related issues, such as flooding.

As part of the city’s response to those concerns, council a few weeks ago enacted a new strat­egy proposed by White and his City Hall staff to place greater emphasis on street repair. “This council has been focused on put­ting together everything we can do to fix streets,” White said. He explained that the city hopes to increase its street budget by 20 percent annually, without harm­ing other departments’ needs.

The city is embarking on a four-year strategy.

“We think we can do one street a year,” he said.

Currently, the city is working on a project along Davis Street, which was known formerly as Prospect Street.

“Davis Street is in bad shape and is causing some potential flooding problems,” he said. “Water occasionally flows from the street onto residential prop­erty.”

Other street projects include Davis between Austin and Rike Streets; North Rike between Houston Street and Davis; and Austin between Houston and Davis.

For the full story, see the May 6 issue or subscribe online.

By John Kanelis[email protected]

NTMWD Plant Smart 2024


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