The dilemma of electric bicycles on the Chaparral Trail spurred discussion among council and city officials at the Tuesday, Dec. 13 city council meeting.
Several councilmembers expressed their concern with the bicycles, citing safety risks to riders and individuals that walk on the trail, sometimes with pets.
Police Chief Marsha Phillips discussed the challenge of enforcing the prohibition, especially far down the trail. She said additional fencing has helped reduce all-terrain vehicles on the trail, however sometimes officers are required to use motorized vehicles themselves to investigate.
Councilmember Overstreet discussed the need for all cities to be consistent about policies on the entire trail path, not just Farmersville’s trail head portion.
Mayor Bryon Wiebold said he would bring the topic up at the trail’s board meeting for others to give input and develop a consistent approach to e-bikes on the entire trail.
The purchase of an upgraded software system for city staff was proposed by City Manager Ben White.
Currently, the INCODE system used cost $38,154 but has its limitations for accessibility.
The new cloud-based system recommended would cost $62,717 and be more efficient for city staff.
By Cole McClendon
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