For the 25th year, the Farmersville Rotary Club is hosting its annual Bob Tedford Memorial Golf Classic, the clubs’ only major fundraiser.
This year’s tourney is scheduled for Thursday, May 2, at Wylie’s Woodbridge Golf Course and the deadline for registration is Monday, April 23.
According to organizers, the proceeds go toward assisting the club with local scholarships, sponsoring Boy Scouts of America and sending young men and women to Camp RYLA, a Rotary leadership organization.
The club also provides assistance to local public safety departments, local nonprofits including Meals on Wheels, Farmersville Food Pantry, Senior Citizens, as well as Wreaths Across America, Honor Flight DFW and much more.
The tournament begins at 11:30 a.m. with registration and a shotgun start is scheduled for 1 p.m.
There will also be a hole-in-one contest featuring a new 2024 Chevrolet Trax, sponsored by Tedford Chevrolet.
There are also mulligans available and a closest-to-the-pin contest. Other prizes will be also given away.
The driving range and putting green will be open at noon.
The tournament will follow a “Four-person Florida scramble” format. The team’s best ball will be played throughout the round. Individual players’ will be assigned to a team.
After their round, teams will enjoy a hamburger buffet while scorecards are tallied to determine the winning teams.
Prizes will be awarded for low gross, first- and second-place low net, and Need for Improvement.
Tournament sponsorships are still available. Gold level sponsors are $750 and include four players and a golf hole sponsorship. Silver sponsors are $400 and include two players and a golf hole sponsorship. Bronze sponsors are $250 and include one player and a golf hole sponsorship. Individual players are $100, and hole sponsorships are available for $150.
Hole sponsorship names will be posted on the tee boxes.
Directions to Woodbridge Golf Course can be found at or call 972-429-5100.
The tournament was named in honor of Bob Tedford, a 32-year Rotarian who focused the club’s efforts on the Farmersville youth.
For more information regarding sponsorships or other details contact Chad Engbrock at 214-697-1876 or email [email protected].
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