Collin College Farmersille Fall
Wyndi Veigel
NTMWD Plant Smart 2024
Farmersville Police Blotter released

Farmersville Police Blotter released

The Collin County Sheriff’s Office has released the Farmersville Police Department and Princeton Police Department blotter for Aug. 16-22. Calls for security watches, citizen contacts, building checks, school resource officer checks, audible alarms, road hazards,...

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ISD sets budget, tax rate

ISD sets budget, tax rate

Members of the Farmersville ISD school board unanimously voted to lower the tax rate and increase the upcoming school year’s budget. Trustees met in regular session Monday, Aug. 26 at the administration building. After a short discussion, they held a public hearing on...

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Opinion: Parting is such sweet sorrow

Opinion: Parting is such sweet sorrow

When I walked into the doors of The Farmersville Times office 13 years ago, I had no idea what was in store. I was going to stay for a year, maybe two at the most. But something happened. I fell in love with the town and with the people in this small, quaint borough....

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Farmersville Police Blotter released

Farmersville Police Blotter released

The Collin County Sheriff’s Office has released the Farmersville Police Department blotter for Aug. 9-15. Calls for security watches, citizen contacts, building checks, school resource officer checks, audible alarms, road hazards, parking violations, agency assists,...

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Home rule charter could be next step for city

Home rule charter could be next step for city

The timeline of changing from a general law city a home rule form of government is being discussed by the Farmersville city council. The major difference between the two forms of government is a general law city gets its powers specifically through Texas statutes. In...

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