Kids of all ages gather around to feed a miniature cow snacks at the final Summer Reading Club Aug. 17. Animals were brought out for the kids by Heavenly Hooves, a nonprofit located near Farmersville.
It takes a village is a common thread when children are concerned, and this year’s Summer Reading Club is no exception.
Sponsored by The Farmersville Times, readers of all ages flocked to the library for three months to participate in weekly meetings, complete craft projects, earn prizes and read, of course.
653 patrons, both kids and adults, participated in this year’s program. According to information released by Librarian Trisha Dowell, 8,365 items were checked out in June, July and August and 100 new cards were issued.
By Wyndi Veigel • News Editor • [email protected]
For the complete story see the Aug. 25 edition of The Farmersville Times or click here for the e-Edition.