Dear Editor,
The reason we elect city officials to office is to represent us. That has not been the case concerning this new Muslim cemetery that town officials seem to be pushing for on the outskirts of town. At every town meeting our town officials have been met with overwhelming majority of our citizens voicing their disapproval of this project.
We did not elect these people for them to only vote or do what they think is best, no, we entrusted them to represent our town and the wishes of the citizens. No official or employee should have the authority to overrule a majority of the towns citizens and ignore them. They should never lie to us and try to make us believe that they have no choice but to approve this cemetery.
I will ask the P&Z to request an environmental study on this project before any decision can be properly made on the effect that this cemetery may have on our environment. And I will not be persuaded by an old study or one that does not fully address this situation. I encourage all citizens of Farmersville to join me in this endeavor. We should never be bullied or pushed aside by elected officials because we disagree with them or their plans. We elected them and we can replace them.
Deborah Feagins