It is ironic that the people whom we have entrusted with the welfare of our city have sold us out.
The land sold to the Muslims was previously thought to be zoned industrial and housing to bring much needed revenue into the city. What or who profited from this deal?
A preacher in our town has turned the cemetery into a religious thing. Standing with the Muslims against the towns people. He speaks for the Muslims rights. Where was he when all the Christian rights were taken away by our Government.
I have not seen before this council any other nationality demanding their own cemetery nor do they put demands on us to change our way of living or our customs. The Muslims are offended by us as a people and our way of life. If America offends you then maybe it is time to go back home where your laws and customs are already in place.
You chose America, learn to live by our laws and customs.
A Muslim cemetery and shops on the main highway coming into town will send out a message that will kill Farmersville. I hope to see new faces in all those chairs come election.
Earnestine Bailey