- A table of honor is set for those firefighters, police officers, K9s and paramedics killed in the line of duty.
- Kids pet a german shephard from Texas Search One at the Dallas 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb.
- Supporters gaze at a 9/11 memorial quilt that features photos of those killed in the terrorist attacks.
- A group of McKinney firefighters were among the 343 to climb in the Dallas 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb.
- A sea of firefighters and police officer gather prior to climbing 110 flights of stairs at the Dallas 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb.
- Lucas Volunteer Firefighters Andrew Lin, left, and Scott DeJong prepare to climb an immense amount of stair for the annual stair climb.
- A McKinney firefighter smiles as he reaches the top of the stairs.