In 1962, we told America’s public school children they could no longer pray in their
classrooms for their day, their teachers, their families nor their nation. In 1963, the
Bible itself was ‘outlawed’ from being on teachers’ desks. In 1980, the 10 Commandments
was torn off the walls of public schools; why?…says the Supreme Court, “the students might read them then obey them”. We left our children and country open for darkness to fill the void.
In 2018, we are seeing the fruit of such liberal, socialist propaganda in our public schools.
Students have no moral compass, and are no longer taught to love their country nor respect their elders, even to obey the law. Life is cheap.
More gun legislation is not the answer. Repenting for kicking God and His standards out of ourschools is the starting point. Bringing Bibles, the 10 Commandments and true American historythat is bathed in Christian principles is the answer. Did you know that 90% of our children’s public and college textbooks are written by America-hating socialists? Have we lost our mind?
What happened in Florida is tragic. Indeed, prayer took front and center now…now that it is too late. Guns don’t kill people; lost, demented people do. One of the tenants of all dictatorships is to disarm the law-abiding citizens. We all know criminals will always be able to get guns. We live in a lawless immoral society. What do we expect?
My heart goes out for the parents and all those affected by school shootings. What will stop it from happening again? Nothing. Because no one seems willing to address the root problem: rampant godlessness in our culture. We must return to moral sanity. We must bring God, prayer and the Bible back to our schools!!! They were once the envy of every nation. Now they are a joke. We must once again value life…from the womb to the tomb. Otherwise, we will reap more of what we have sown.
Violence has been lauded long enough. Stop allowing it to “entertain” and see it for what it is! Wicked! It’s high time to plant good seed in our home and public schools. After all, they are a reflection of our families and how far our nation has fallen from the original intent of the Founding Fathers. As Ronald Reagan once said, “We will either be One Nation Under God or One Nation Gone Under.”
Bettye Petree