Ask Rusty – About difficulty with social security’s sign-in process
Dear Rusty: Last month I tried to contact Social Security who never picked up a phone on their end. The same with the IRS. When I finally got through, they said I had to join before they could help me. That took me over a week, and many applications and rejects, to get through. The last step was holding up my Social Security card and my driver’s license on a Zoom call to an representative. I found this very peculiar – why do I have to go through this place to get information from my government agencies? Now I am receiving catalog offers to buy things from online. I think this is very strange and out of line. How do I get unregistered from this place? I am very afraid they will share my information with the world. Is this a government agency and why do we have to register there, only to have offers to buy things? Signed: Frustrated Senior
Dear Frustrated: Many others have shared with us their frustration when seeking enrollment in the federal government’s newest credential verification programs so, though I know it’s no comfort, you are not alone.
By Russell Gloor
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