Residents have an opportunity to give input to the future of parks and recreations facilities in the city of Farmersville tonight.
A public meeting to gather input to help shape the city’s master plan for parks and recreation is scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday, May 30.
Bryan Wood, chairman of the parks and recreation said the board is trying to be proactive in looking at a long-term plan for what recreation in the city will look like.
“The goal is to develop a living document that can establish a blueprint for parks and recreation facilities moving forward,” Wood said. “We want community members to have a say and a voice in this process.”
The event will revolve around an interactive experience, said Wood. Stations with each park asset will be set up and attendees will be able to move from one station to the next.
Feedback and comments about park assets, including where improvements are needed, will be evaluated by the parks and recreation board.
City officials, Parks & Recreation board members and members of Kimley-Horn’s design team, the city’s engineering firm, will be available at the event to answer questions.
Officials are encouraging the public to offer feedback and suggestions on park improvements and amenities.
The theme of the meeting is “Let’s build the future of our parks together.”
The event will be held at the city’s council chambers at 205 S. Main St. Light refreshments will be served.
Kimley-Horn is expected to provide help in producing a final draft the parks and rec board can use to present to council by the end of August.
Scavenger Hunt
The parks & recreation board is also hosting two scavenger hunts on Saturday, June 1 during the Farmersville Market. There hunts will start at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. and all ages are welcome.
Participants will need a camera phone and can team up in groups of four or less, or as an individual.
Each hunt will last 50 minutes and prizes will be awarded to the top winners.
If anyone has questions about the hunts, please contact Jake Buchanan at 972-784-8999.
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From Staff Repots • [email protected]