Letter to Editor:
Recently a Dallas Morning News staff writer published a scathing article about the people of Farmersville who oppose the Muslim cemetery in their community. This letter is a response to her characterization of the Farmersville area citizens as ignorant, paranoid, out-of-touch with modern society provincials.
Ignorant? Maybe – we do not easily digest pabulum peddled by the politically correct police and media.
Paranoid? It ain’t paranoid if they are out to get you. The US and other countries are at war with Muslims over half the planet – including within our own borders.
Provincial? We are not a mobile society nor is this a big city. This is not just a place where we live a few years and move on. This is our home. We stay.
The immediate question is about a Muslim cemetery in the community. Cemeteries are a highly integrated element of community. We are born here, live here, die here, buried here. A cemetery is a sacred part of community not a commercial venture for outside interests.
I suggest the writer take an objective look into the community she presumes to judge so harshly.
Concerning possibility of plans for mosque and training facility, I leave you with an old Arab proverb – “Once you allow a camel’s nose under the tent, he will soon be in the tent.”
Buddy Kinamon
Blue Ridge, Texas