The city’s mowing contract will stay outsourced to MowTime for now. Council and the city manager discussed bringing it in house, but decided against it at a recent city council meeting. (Courtesy photo)
The mowing contract will stay outsourced to a local company after discussion about bringing it back into city services.
City council members and city staff discussed the issue at length during their Tuesday, April 23 council meeting.
City Manager Ben White explained he was not bringing the issue to council because of anything the current mowing company – Mow Time – was doing wrong and emphasized he did not want to put the company in a bad light.
Rather, White brought the issue to council since it had been previously discussed if the city staff could handle mowing on their own. At that time, in 2018, White did not think it was feasible.
By Wyndi Veigel • News Editor • [email protected]
For the complete story see the May 2 edition or subscribe online.