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Election Day is May 7

by | May 5, 2022 | Area news, Latest

Farmersville voters will head to the polls Saturday, May 7 to cast their ballots in the local and state constitutional elections.

Voting locations across the state will be open from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. on Election Day.

Nearby voting locations include Collin College Farmersville Campus, located at 501 S. Collin Parkway and Princeton City Hall at 2000 E. Princeton Drive.

Voters can also cast their ballot at any polling location in the county in which they are registered to vote, which can be found on for Collin County residents.

In the city elections, there are three positions on the ballot, and only one is a competitive race. Residents will vote for mayor and two city council places: Place 2 and Place 4.

Running for mayor is the incumbent Bryon Wiebold who is seeking his second term. He is opposed by newcomer Denise Kelly who is seeking her first mayoral term.

Place 2 is held by incumbent Terry Williams who is running unopposed for his second term.

Place 4 is held by incumbent Mike Henry who is seeking a second term and running unopposed.

Additionally, there will be a special election to vote for or against Proposition No. 1, a home rule charter.

In the State Constitutional Election, there are two propositions on the ballot.

Proposition 1 is asking residents to approve a reduction to the overall amount disabled or elderly homeowners would pay in ad valorem taxes. Property tax bills for elderly or disabled homeowners are currently frozen in accordance with the state’s constitution.

In 2019, the Legislature passed a reduction in property taxes for homeowners, but they did not apply to elderly or disabled homeowners. The reduced rates were not given to elderly or disabled homeowners because of their frozen tax rate.

Proposition 2 is asking voters to allow for an increased tax exemption for a resident’s primary residence for public school allocation. Current law allows homeowners to deduct $25,000 and the resolution would increase that amount to $40,000.

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