Collin College Farmersille Fall

School employees to get merit pay based on test scores

by | Jul 27, 2017 | Education


Employees now have the opportunity to earn merit raises based on STARR and EOC exams. Courtesy photo.

Teacher retention and incentives were recently approved by the Farmersville ISD School board.

In a new merit pay system, which is a test program implemented for two years, Farmersville ISD employees have the chance to receive additional pay based on student testing scores.

The merit pay, also termed as a stretch goal, would be $2,500 for any employee on a campus that scores from 90 percent to 100 percent as an average on domain 1 and 2 on STAAR or End of Course tests.

Domain 1 is the accountability scores themselves while domain 2 is a year’s growth per student from one year to the next.

Students third through 10th grade take STAAR exams while high school students take EOC exams.

By Wyndi Veigel • News Editor • [email protected]

For the full story see the July 27 edition or subscribe online.

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