Collin County Toys for Tots Chairperson Steve Deffibaugh has been hard at work with lots of ‘elves’ that have been gathering toys. The organization is in desperate need of toys for kids 11 years old and older. (Wyndi Veigel/The Farmersville Times)
As Christmas approaches, the Marine Corps League of Collin County has been hard at work to make the holidays brighter for less fortunate children through its Toys for Tots program.
This is the second year for Toys for Tots as a Collin County effort separate from Dallas County, Coordinator Steve Deffibaugh of Princeton reported. Last year, organizers expected to distribute 17,000 toys, but that number exploded to 31,000 toys that went to 12,000 children.
“It has been very successful,” Deffibaugh said.
Toys for Tots was founded nationally in 1947 and over the years has distributed more than 548 million toys to more than 251 million children. It is an annual project of the Marine Corps League.
Work in Collin County runs throughout the year with activities picking up in October as a push is made for donations and to register families needing assistance with Christmas gifts.
By Joe Reavis • Staff Writer • [email protected]
For the complete story see the Dec. 13 edition or subscribe online.