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Obituary for Leslie Carroll Liggett

by | Jan 14, 2016 | Occasion, Uncategorized


Leslie “Les” Carroll Liggett

Leslie “Les” Carroll Liggett passed away at his home peacefully December 21, 2015 in Princeton at the age of 75. His wife Wilma and family members were by his side.

He was born on April 29, 1940 in Nashville. TN.

Les served in the United States Air Force from 1957 to 1960 as a Jet Engine Air Craft Mechanic. He was employed by American Motors first as a mechanic and then as a service writer. From there, he became Regional Manager for Jeep Corporation before working for AT&T, where he remained for 25 years until his retirement in 2001.

His hobbies were golf, where he played on the AT&T golf team, guns, where he taught his children and grandchildren the proper way to handle a gun since he was a Dallas County Constable, and sailing. He owned a boat dealership, The Rigg Shop, with his wife Wilma, his son and family. He enjoyed growing vegetables in his garden which he later cooked for guests. He also enjoyed fixing things for his friends and neighbors always saying “for free or for fun.”

Les enjoyed spending lots of time teaching his grandchildren how to cook and worked with Salad Master.

He was a 32nd degree Mason and was in the 101 Unit of the Hella Temple in Rowlett where he served food to fellow members.

He also called bingo for the Noino Ladies Club where they raised over $2000 for college scholarships for Princeton High School seniors.

He is survived by his only sister, Jane Aly and husband Bill; a son, Robert Liggett and two daughters, Luzia Willis and husband Steve, and Michelle Karlin and husband Mark; he was the grandfather to many grandchildren and many great grandchildren.

He loved his wife Wilma, and as a celebration of their love his internment was on their wedding anniversary January 2, 2016 at Restland Funeral Home. Services were held at Culleoka Baptist Church and a wonderful lunch was served to all his brothers and sisters in Christ just like he wanted. Services were held by Pastors Roger Berghauser, Vernon Morrison Jr. and Tommy Jenkins Jr. 

Les had a heart transplant in 2009 sharing the gift of life with Johnny Floris, a 17-year-old young man that gave him six years and six months to celebrate life with us all.  We are grateful beyond words to Johnny and his family for their loving gift.

Les’ famous saying was “I’m Les Liggett – no more no less”, but to those who were blessed with the chance to know and love him, he was definitely “more” than words can describe.

Thank you all for the shower of love.

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