Collin College Farmersille Fall

Sales tax holiday planned Aug. 9-11

by | Aug 2, 2019 | Education

Texas Sales Tax holiday is next weekend, offering a discount on many school supplies. (Courtesy photo)

Texas shoppers can save a little money the weekend of Aug. 9-11 when sales taxes are eliminated on most clothing and school supplies priced less than $100.

Savings amount to about eight percent of the purchase price, sometimes a little more, during the annual Texas Sales Tax Holiday.

Over the weekend, most footwear and clothing sold for less than $100 are exempted from sales taxes. The exemption applies to each eligible item that sells for less than $100, regardless of how many items are sold on the same invoice to a customer. For example, if a customer purchases two shirts for $80 each, then both items qualify for the exemption, even though the customer’s total purchase price ($160) exceeds $99.99.

The exemption does not apply to the first $99.99 of an otherwise eligible item that sells for more than $99.99. For example, if a customer purchases a pair of pants that costs $110, then sales tax is due on the entire $110.

From Staff Reports • [email protected]

For the complete story see the Aug. 1 edition or subscribe online.

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